Project 3 Sketch 3

This sketch shows how an elevator can take us to any level of a building very quickly by just a touch of a button within a few seconds. It is such a blessing for us. In this sketch of mine I have tried to compare this with the connectivity of a mobile phone. Even in mobile phones, we can connect to any  person anywhere with a touch and very quickly. Both of these are because of the advancements in technology.

This elevator is in my student residence building. I use it daily but it was only after I started working on my affordance and sketches, that I realized this concept which is quite fascinating. I used my phone to record it while I was going from the first floor to the ground floor.

Project 3 Sketch 2

This was another one of my experimental sketches where I played around with a subject and light. The subject used over here was a small house shaped toy kind of thing. I told a friend to move around the light to make it appear as if it is sunlight, while I used my camera to record.

The basic use of this sketch is to show human emotions thrtough a house because a house represents a family and sunshine represents happiness or energy. What I’ve tried to show through this sketch is that how mobile phone connectivity spreads postitivty all around and how it is very useful for us. Family members stay in touch even when they are not together. Mobile phones have made our lives easier and happier in a way.

Project 3 Sketch 8

I recorded this sketch while I was coming down after some work in the RMIT building no.5. I was basically rushing down the stairs because I was in a hurry. I decided to record my feet movement while I was coming down. The sketch that came out in the end was quite interesting.

Because of connectivity, our lives have become so fast and rushed that we don’t have time for anything else to do. This sketch also gives a feeling of impatience as the subject seems to get out of the building as soon as possible and at any cost. This can also be compared to mobile connectivity where everyone is in a hurry for everything, whether its talking to their loved ones, business conferencing or texting. Not only connectivity, this is something which describes our everyday lives these days in general.

Let me make it clear over here that I was not running so fast. I increased the speed of the video using an in built app to give it a more dramatic feeling and relate to connectivity more.

Project 3 Sketch 15


The building seen here in this sketch is the student residence I’m currently staying at. I could see a lot of apartments from where I was standing while recording this sketch. I was thinking of recording some unique sketches. Then I started playing around with the zooming feature on my phone camera to get the cool effect of zooming in and zooming out.

What I wanted to show through this sketch is a concept I have discussed earlier as well. There’s no doubt that connectivity has made our lives much easier but since we are always connected to people through our phone and not in person, we are still kind of lonely even when we’re connected or even when we’re around many people. We think we’re near them but we are far far away.

Project 3 Sketch 14

I recorded this sketch a few days back while waking down the street. It was something very random at that time for me. It’s a tree with many branches and a broad trunk. I only wanted the tree in the video, not the surroundings so I had to record it in a vertical position. By the different branches that all join in to one huge trunk, I have tried to show people from all over the globe, from different countries, races are a part of a huge network through connectivity. We don’t even realize how close we are to one another because of this. We can get in touch with any person at any time very easily.

Project 3 Sketch 13

This sketch is from last week. We had this event called Amazing Race at uni which was based on the popular reality show with the same name. The concept was pretty much the same. This was the last task of the race. There were two wooden planks and five people had to work as a team to walk using those planks as seen in the video from one point to another. It was quite tough to do it. All the five people are connected by those planks on a single platform and they need to work together to move forward.

This is how I am relating this sketch to mobile connectivity where people are connected through a medium and then they co ordinate or sort out any issues or problems between them to move ahead.

Project 3 Sketch 12

Connectivity takes place because of connections and bonds. I was wandering outside the uni building the other day when I saw hundreds of pipes of all sizes. I believe most of them were for water and some of them for the protection of electrical wires but they were all over the place connected to each other and it was fascinating to watch. Their connectivity is actually helping us.

This sketch basically tells us how, if we’re connected, we can help each other and be there for each other whenever we want. Being together is better than being alone.

Project 3 Sketch 11

This sketch shows a person smiling and showing happiness while using his mobile phone to connect to his family who is in another country. He is miles away from them but still near them in a way. This sketch tells us about the little perks of connectivity, how it can put a smile on your face instantly and sometimes unexpectedly. You may be at work, out of country or at uni but you can always stay in touch with people with your mobile phone using its own cellular network or social media.

I changed the colours of this video to black and white using an app to give it a more dramatic feel.

Project 3 Sketch 10

This video was recorded near the State Library of Victoria and it shows one of the busiest streets of Melbourne i.e. La Trobe Street. I recorded this sketch after my class the other day. We all know trams are one of the main attractions for Melbourne and also a big blessing for the people living here. You can go anywhere in the city or the suburbs using it. You just have to know the right route and tram no.

You can see that the trams are operated by electricty which is supplied by the overhead wires. I noticed that the wires have a great connectivity pattern too. They are spread all over the city to operate the trams.

Project 3 Sketch 9

This sketch was shot at uni and boys are shown playing basket ball but there is something unusual about this video. It is backwards. I did the backwards effect using a mobile app. What I’ve tried to show trough this sketch is that how people get connected when they socialize. The two guys that are playing basketball over here do now know each other. The basketball was the medium to connect the.

People can connect over any common sport, topic, issue etc. I actually played basketball with them too after recording this video. They did ask me why I was recording them so I had to tell them. The backwards effect was done to make the visuals more interesting and dramatic.