Project 4 – Week 13 – Connected but alone

This is my second and final draft for my final video. The concept and execution is pretty much the same as mentioned in the reflection for the first draft. However I’ve made a few changes.

Firstly I shot some more footage. The footage in my previous draft was all with blue and red lighting. In this draft, I’ve added some footage with dark green lighting as well as it gives a feel of irritation and loneliness. Apart from that I’ve reedited the whole video to give it a better flow. In the last draft, many shots were repeating a lot. I’ve made sure this didn’t happen this time around. This final draft is more dramatic and will give you a better idea of my concept. One major change in this draft of the video is that I’ve changed the background music which is the essential thing to get the feel of the video. The background music in the last draft was good but I kind of realized that it didn’t go with the overall flow and mood of the video so I changed it to something more soft and depressing. The current music goes along well with the flow. Also one more major change is that I’ve added crowd noises and people talking in the background. These are two tracks. One of them was recorded by me using my phone on the street. I added theese because it makes the loneliness of the subject more dramatic. He can hear people socializing, talking, hanging out but he has no one to talk to in person. He can just sit there and listen to it.

Project 4 – Week 11 – Connected but alone

This is the first draft of my final video. This is a continuation of the idea of the sketch that I had chosen for the Project 3 presentation. Our affordance was connectivity which means the ability to connect any two things or people. In my video, I’ve tried to show disconnectivity instead, or in simple words, if there was no connectivity. There’s no doubt mobile phones have made our lives very easy. They are the basic tool for connectivity these days. You can get connected to anyone anywhere 24/7. Especially with the introduction of smartphones and social media, there has been a huge evolution in the world of connectivity.

In this video of mine I’ve tried to show how mobile phones make us connected to the world but at the same time we are disconnected. Since the connectivity becoming so easy, we’ve taken it for granted. We don’t make the effort to meet people in person. In many cases we just text the other person or talk to them on Facebook when in reality we hardly talk to them when we see them. We live in a pretentious world where we think we have many friends but we don’t.

For this video, I’ve used a wine glass as an inanimate subject. This gives the video an overall dramatic feel. Since my subject cannot emote, I’ve moved it around, played around with the lighting and my mobile camera and filters to achieve the overall gloomy feel of the video which shows how lonely the subject is. The background music is according to the mood.