Hashtag research

Hashtags are a very important part of social media and the internet today. They not only help you label and tag your posts but also are a great deal of help when you want to search for something on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. For this task I went to twubs and searched for some hashtags related to my digital story. Unfortunately I did not really come up with something very usesful. It was nice to go through some of the posts though and time well spent.


I found the tweet with the language barrier tag quite interesting (the first image). It makes you realize how difficult it can be if you don’t have a command over a language when you visit some place. Life can become very hard and you have to struggle to get very basic things as well. This was kind of related to our digital story. There were some other interesting posts about culture shock as well. Some of them are not in this screenshot unfortunately but they were about how people find things around them completely different when they come to a new place as compared to their home. Things like food, religion, rules etc.