Enchanted Ground 2: Search Engine Optimisation

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It basically helps your website or blog to rank higher and more visible to people in search engines. There are many ways to improve the SEO of your site. Some of the important components are:

Keywords: You should know about the keywords that people usually use to search while creating your content and every page should be built around those keywords which are important or significant to your site or blog. Search engines give you suggestions of popular words when you’re typing. You can use Google Keyword Planner, a tool which will help you with popular keywords.

Image tags: You must tag your images. If there are none, Google does not know how to identify the image. For WordPress, you can use Yoast, a plugin that reminds you to label your images. With tags, Google will know what the image is, how to index it, where to store it and when to bring it up in a search.

Meta description: This is a sentence which is right below your URL on the search page. This is a description of the page which should be interesting and attention grabbing. Use call-to-action words such as “learn” and “visit” to engage people and encourage them to find out why the information on your page is important to them.

Backlinks: Make sure that the links add value to your readers’ lives. You can never have too many backlinks for an article. You will build high traffic that will help you rise up in the results.