Programming concepts 2

Before doing the snowflake task, I literally had no idea of programming whatsoever and like everyone else, I thought it was boring and time consuming but I had a good time doing this. The 20 lessons taught me a lot. I think everyone should have this basic knowledge. To be honest, the whole exercise was fun for me because we just had to give the commands and it was generating the coding by itself for example move forward by 200 pixels, turn right/left by 90 degrees. However the most interesting part was the repeat command for me which would allow us to repeat any command or a set of commands by 1,2,3,5,7 and so on times. This saves you a lot of time. If we do it manually, it would take us days to do it. You just give the computer a command and it will do it instantly for you. Another great command is the loop command which makes a loop of any of the above mentioned commands and keeps playing it again and again like you do it in sound editing software like Adobe Audition for an audio track or a layer in After effects. Also there was commands to change the colour as well. Making your own snowflake in the final lesson was fun. I decided to make a simple one which is more close to reality. Didn’t change it’s colour and gave it a rugged look. Overall this exercise was interesting and there was a lot to learn.